Saturday, May 22, 2010

'Ard Boyz Results, Lamenter's Banner, and Tervigon part 3!!!

Sorry for the delay, I've had a bunch of things interfering with writing posts this week, but after much delay are the results of Sunday's tournament for me. Round one I played against the Tau list that ended up getting first it got a little ugly for me and he won 3-1 in the end for a major victory. Game 2 was against a Necron player; it was a fun game but there was nothing the skeleton robots could do against the superhuman zombies I got a massacre phasing him out. Game 3 was against the Space wolf player that ended up making 2nd, he beat me by 2 kp (21-23 I believe) for a minor victory. I ended up 6th or 7th out of 13, but I think if I had done slightly better in either the first or third games I think I could have made top 3. Overall it was a good time, if a little draining though playing 3 2500 point games in a row. I accomplished my goal of doing better than I did in the practice tournament. As far as individual units go the Defilers held up amazingly well over the 3 games, were even clutch in two of the games, much to my amazement. The three demon squads did their job, at 2000+ I would definitely run them again but not at lower point values. Hopefully by 'Ard Boyz next year I'll be rocking Dark Eldar (and maybe even a new codex) and I'll do even better.

Now back to the Tervigon!

Now that you have your belly sacs covered in greenstuff making them smooth you're ready to start detailing. You're going to want to plan out the order of the lines in between the sacs much in the same way you planned the last step:

The lines are the lines in between the bubbles, the red ones one the outside are last as they'll take a few sessions. The dotted lines are the other side of the bubble they go through. I started with the black lines; rolling a sausage (2Y:1B) of greenstuff about 5-7mm diameter up to maybe 1cm in between the bigger bulges the length of the line your following. Push it in the with your fingers then take your tools with hooks and points and pull at the sides of the sausages up the bubbles in a a combination of straight pulls and curved ones, keep them pretty close together. Try not to get into repeating patterns as it will look more natural if you don't. Continue this both sides of each sausage the entire length of them. After you finish with the hard tools you want to pull out the cone shaped colour shaper (or whatever soft blending tool you have) and smooth out the curves around the little "slime lines" so it looks as though the connector piece you just put in is part of the two bubbles instead of on top of them. When you are onto the second and third steps when you get the line your working on to intersect a finished one just blend it into the existing detail.

Now when you get to the outside of the sacs your going to use a slightly different placing method, roll your sausage and place it around the outside of the sac, but roll tiny balls about the width of the ribs, and place them on top of the sausage on each rib. On the sac side your going to do the same thing as you did in between them sacs. On the rib side your going to want to use your pointiest tool maybe even an exacto blade tip and pull the sausage up in between the ribs and push it into the gap (don't be too thick) but on the ribs (where the extra bits of greenstuff are) pull them way up (1 cm or so) the ribs in very close straight lines. Take the chisel tip colour shaper and smooth the lines into the ribs as necessary. You should have something that looks like this:

Now at the very back and front of the beast its sinewy "muscle" stuff instead of ribs, this is a mixture of the technique you use to detail the ribs and sacs just try to follow the existing lines into where you connect it to the sac. On the front you might have to put a wedge of putty into the top of the ribs so its a steady incline from the neck sinew and the sac on the chest. Here's what you should have by the end of this step:

Next installment of the Tervigon conversion will be end of it with the final detailing. We will be putting veins on the sacs, cleaning up other small details, and putting all other finishing touches on it.

Finally here's pictures of the Lamenter's banner I did for one of the local player's. This is one the standard space marine chapter banner, with the freehand on the front coming from a description he gave me. I've been doing freehand on my rhinos and larger things like that but this was the smallest one I've done yet, but honestly the hardest part had to have been the checkers on the back of it. Note to self NEVER start an army with a predominant checker pattern in their scheme.

Well now that I'm back online and able to write I'll have a ton of content coming about my Dark Eldar (WOOHOO!!!!)and will have the conclusion of the Tervigon within a week.

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