Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cratos Skitarri Regiment Background

Here's the background for the Imperial Guard army that I'm working on. Comments and criticism are welcome.

The regiment is an Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarri force based on the Forge World Cratos. Cratos is 'east' of Terra in Ultima Segmentum. The planet resembles Mars from the Dark Age of Technology with its red soil and abundant resources.

The Mechanicus established Cratos as a Forge World in M34. ArchMagos Technicus Hest'phus is the current administrator. A small council of Magi oversee the day to day operations of the planet. They supply the Imperium with all manner of standard Imperial Guard equipment. Cratos is also home to the Legium Cratum Titan Legion.

Magos Genetor Leten, who specializes in genetic manipulation, takes particular interest in Cratos' Skitarii regiments. He has continued the long held tradition of directing the growth of all potential members to make them better soldiers. This is accomplished with a three step process. First selective breeding and genetic screening is used to ensure that only the most fit are allowed to be born. During puberty the prospective soldiers undergo simple brain surgery to remove un-needed emotional ability. Shortly thereafter they begin a rigorous chemical-based therapy to condition them physically for the rigors of combat. This cocktail of drugs is administered routinely throughout their lifetimes. By the sixteen years of age a soldier is fully mature and is ready to serve as a Hypaspist (regular trooper).

Some troopers have additional physcial modifications based on their role in the regiment. Sagitarii (heavy weapons teams) are often integrated with their weapon of choice. A Rune Priest will accompany Sagitarii into battle to ensure they function at full performance. Balisteria and Cataphractii (artillery and armor) units are also integrated into their vehicles. Techpriest Engineseers are on hand for these units anytime they are deployed. Tribunes (officers) are bred for their roles and given even more physical and mental modifcation than other soldiers.

The basic platoon is composed of Steel Legion models. I really like the coats and rebreathers. Veterans are Cadian models with a rebreather head swap. I also like to use Penal Legion squads and have modeled them as Cadians with a different rebreather head swap. I hope to do some more detailed conversions on the heavy weapons teams, officers and tanks. For now they are just modeled and painted so that I can add to them as inspiration strikes.

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