Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Battle for Blob's Park

I attended the Battle for Blob's Park this weekend just outside of Baltimore. It was a good time. The tournament was being held in an outdoor pavilion at a Bavarian bier garden.

I drove down with two other guys from the club Friday night. We pitched a tent in the park behind the bar and commenced drinking heavily. By Saturday morning I was NOT ready to play four games of 40K. Still, I made it through them with the aid of some bratwurst and German beer.

I did not know that the tournament was a GT qualifier. Based on it being held just outside a bar I thought it was going to be a less serious event. I'm not much for competitive 40K games and this event just reinforced that for me. There were a lot of lists that were built to take every advantage of the rules. Those games just weren't that fun.

I did get a single very good game in with a guy who was playing Eldar. Two painted armies on a table with painted terrain is one of the best parts of the hobby to me. Unfortunately for him I seized initiative and wrecked his force early on in the game.

There were a lot of beautiful armies at the event. Most had a fancy display board. I was jealous, especially when the judges had to ask me to unpack my army to get it judged for paint. Needless to say, construction commenced on a display board of my very own Monday afternoon.

Xian and I were also inspired to build a 4'x4' themed table for small games and demos. Let's just say that if you ever get a chance to play with us you should bring a "shit-load of dimes."

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