Monday, May 3, 2010

'Ard Boyz Practice Follow-up

Well yesterday I played in an 'Ard Boyz parctice tournament, there were only 7 people but it was a good time. I got 6th (...) with a major victory, a minor loss and got massacred, but it was kind of due to wonky missions too. The missions were last year's 'Ard Boyz missions. All three of my games were close and exciting, and overall it was a good time.

The first game I played against a SW list with a couple rhinos, a LR with 16 bloodclaws in it, a couple dreads one in pod, a twin las razorback, 2 long fang units, njal and a couple more priests. It was a close battle going back and forth til the end, in which he beat me like 9 kp-13 or so, but I had two objectives to his one. Awesomeness award goes to the lesser demons for dropping on the center objective on top of a bastion and holding it the whole game with 2 left by the end of it. A courtmarshall gets issued to the 7 terminators for getting scared and running when a rhino tank shocked them and were promptly shot off the board, stupid termis. It was a fun game, but I think if my opponent had his Twolves done it would've went better for him.

The second game I played against Deathwing, ended in a minor loss but he really worked for it and earned it. He was using 2 LR's, a total of 6 terminator squads, Belial, a couple speeders. a bike squad, and an attack bike. He went first, on my first turn I killed 4/5 termis in a squad, and 4/6 bikers. But in the end I just couldn't contend with all those assault terminators. He won 18 kp-14kp. Mvp award again goes to the lesser demons for killing the attack bike, a couple terminators, and in the end I had 1 lesser demon fighting a powerfist marine for 2 full game turns mano-a-mano before the game ended with them both alive. This was a close game where he really worked and earned the victory he got.

The third game I played against vanilla marines. It was awicked close and riveting game,in the end he had 1 objective to my 0, after I took one of his but had no troops to claim it, and was inches(but outside by a few) from contesting the other. He also beat me by 1 kp 12-13, so getting massacred (by 1 obj/1kp) kinda sent things awry for me. Kinda feels like he shoulda got a major or minor victory but oh well what can you do. He was using Lysander, a Libby with might/vortex, 3 tac squads in drop pods, 2 venerable dreads in pods. a land reaider with assault termis (and Lys), a squad of deepstriking assault termis, an assault squad, and a scout squad with cloaks plus lysanders ability for a combined 2+ cover save. This was by far my favorite game of the day, even with the massacre against me. The mvp award gets split on this match between the oblits for killing the land raider, 6 terminators and 2 of Lysanders wounds with shooting, and in the end killed Lysander (as he killed all three of them) in one big powerfist group hug; and the lesser demons (again) for killing half the assault squad, and then and making it about 5 inches from the one objective he had at the end before dying providing cover for some plague marines who also almost made it to the objective the turn the game ended.

So after my first experience playing at 2500 was fun and I learned a bit. The defilers didn't fare as badly as I thought they would with one surviving til the end in 2 out of 3 games and totally earning their points back in the one I lost both. The demon prince also rocked house in the 2 out of 3 games i used him. the 2nd game he just hid out of range to avoid giving the terminators 5 more kp's. Both of these units I expected to die by turn 1 or 2 from anti tank fire, but were more resilient than I expected. In a response to the original list thread Will suggested using more demons, more oblits (which I wish I had, but don't), buffing the chosen and getting a lash or 2 in. I'm unsure on the lash thing, it would've helped a bit today, but at the real event I expect at least double the number of people (if not more) and much harder lists, lash doesn't do crap to mech but with BA/SW the way they are right now it might just work out. For the real tournament I think I will use more lesser demons next time maybe 20 or 30 total, their cheap enough. Buffing up my chosen squads sounds like a good idea, so they can take a hit or 2 before they lose meltag
uns. If I can work the points maybe put some combi weapons on the rhinos or maybe lash but that's going to take some mulling over though I could use the prince and I have a sorceror. In conclusion it was a great day if a little draining playing 40k for like 8 hours and I can't wait to do it again in two weeks against a larger playerbase. The turnout should be good because our store is running it on Sunday instead of Saturday, so people nearby who didn't make it in on saturday at other locations will come here.The next Tervigon post is done except for the pictures, so expect that in a day or so.

1 comment:

  1. How did the Defilers do? Do you think you can drop one to make points?

    Good point about Lash versus tanks. I didn't think about that in today's heavy mech environment.

    I'm glad the Lesser Daemons worked out. Another squad would be a good thing. I love those out of the blue objective grabbing units.
