Saturday, May 1, 2010

'Ard Boyz Practice List

So our FLGS is having an 'Ard Boyz practice tournament this weekend that I'm going to be playing in, and it got me thinking about what I'm going to do. It will be good for me because other than a few Apoc. games I haven't played anything over 2000 points. I'm not sure what the scenarios will be but I've made a decently well rounded list with the models that I've got. Some of the things in the list I don't think are going to work out that great (ie. Defilers) @ 2500, and I dont have 4 more Obliterators to replace them, but I think I've come up with a use for them. The plan is as follows: The Defilers and Demon Prince are there to soak up a portion of first turn fire so the marines can get to their objectives(be it actual objectives, or their respective kill assignments), the chosen outflank in to melta the heck out of the board edges or force the opponent to clump up in the middle. The Terminators will deepstrike and probably cause another vehicle casualty then have strong enough numbers to withstand a turn of enemy fire and go kill something else next turn. Oblits will usually start on the board to provide fire support, but could deepstrike if the situation calls for it. All the troop units have icons to provide deepstrike accuracy and the lesser demon pack is for a rear objective holder and then the marines could move on. Now optimally i would be using 4 more Obliterators instead of the Defilers and pump up the chosen squads up another guy or two and an Icon of Chaos Glory and drop the lesser demons, but you work with what you've got, blasted real life expenses. Here's the list:

Demon Prince; ---130

5 Chosen; ---175
5 Meltaguns, Rhino

5 Chosen; ---175
5 Meltaguns, Rhino

7 Terminators; ---330
Chainfist/Combimelta, Chainfist/Combiflamer, Powerfist/Heavy Flamer, Powerfist/Combimelta, Power Weapon/Combimelta, Power Weapon/Combiflamer,
Power Weapon/Combimelta/Icon of Tzeentch

7 Plague Marines; ---271
Asp. Champion w/ Powerfist/Combimelta, 2 Meltaguns, Personal Icon, Rhino

7 Plague Marines; ---271
Asp. Champion w/ Powerfist/Combimelta, 2 Meltaguns, Personal Icon, Rhino

7 Plague Marines; ---281
Asp. Champion w/ Powerfist/Combiplasma, 2 Plasmaguns, Personal Icon, Rhino

7 Plague Marines; ---261
Asp. Champion w/ Powerfist/Combiflamer, 2 Flamers, Personal Icon, Rhino

6 Lesser Demons; ---78

Heavy Support
3 Obliterators; ---225

Defiler; ---150
Reaper Autocannon/Twin Linked Heavy Flamer

Defiler; ---150
Reaper Autocannon/+1 Close Combat Weapon

Total - 2497

I will post an update with thoughts on how I will adapt the list and what worked out and what didn't and what I'm going to do for the actual 'Ard Boyz tournament on Monday or Tuesday. Until then have fun blowin crap out of your opponents toy soldiers!


  1. I think you've hit your limitations based on what models you own. For more of a 'Ard Boyz list I'd drop the Defilers and Daemon Price, add another squad of Lesser Daemons, more Oblits, bulk out the Chosen and put in two Lashes.

    Based on what I know that you own I would add a Lash sorcerer by dropping a Defiler and fill the extra points in Chosen. Maybe add the Lesser Daemons if you have them.

  2. I would've loved to run more oblits, dont got em. the DP actually turned out really well, played vs da, SW and vanillas. will post after thought blog post tomorrow. and thanx for adding title/pic for me. one of these days I'll get a post 100%
