Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Post and Introduction

Welcome to the first post of The Nob Squad! I'm Will. Some friends and I are starting this blog to chronicle our painting and modeling exploits. I'm mainly a Warhammer 40K player and have been with the hobby for about nine years now. I've dabbled in Fantasy and currently have my eye on a Napoleonic-era naval wargame of some type.

I have been through several different 40K armies over the years. Right now I own a large Imperial Guard army that is a slow work in progress and the pieces to a large Necron army. I'm sure my attention will focus on the Necrons when they get a new codex. I also own a small Lizardmen force for Fantasy that has been neglected for a few months.

I consider myself a casual gamer in the sense that I like comp heavy tournaments and play for fun. Apocalypse is a blast and I try to play a game every couple of months.

I play with B.C. Adeptus in the Binghamton, NY area. There's a great bunch of GW fans in the area and we have a very good store, Jupiter Games, that supports the club.

I've got a few modeling and painting projects in the works that I'll share here over time. In the meantime expect a few posts from the other authors of this blog.



  1. bah, still not an author, I see how it is

  2. Welcome to blogging mate! Hope you find it as addictive as everyone else seems to. I'd love to see some more pics of your apocalypse stuff, you certainly seem to have the armour side of things sorted out!
